A healthy workplace can be described as one where workers and managers actively contribute to the working environment by promoting and protecting the health, safety and wellbeing of all employees.
There are many risk factors for mental health that may be present in the working environment. Most risks relate to interactions between type of work, the organisational and managerial background, the skills and competencies of employees, and the support available for employees to carry out their work.
Risks to mental health include:
-Inadequate health and safety policies;
-Poor communication and management practices;
– Limited participation in decision-making or low control over one’s area of work;
-Low levels of support for employees;
-Inflexible working hours; and
-Unclear tasks or organisational objectives.
To know more and to design and book sessions on mental health wellbeing and wellness for your organization, contact Nirvana!! You can reach out to us through our Facebook page: