• 1. How to deal with difficult people
  • 2. Importance of the course
  • 3. The outcome of the course
  • 4. Understanding emotions, the role it plays & pick your battle wisely
  • 5. The first step of dealing with difficult people
  • 6. Preparing for a stressful conversation
  • 7. Steps of preparing
  • 8. Right tactics, not people
  • 9. Victim role It’s mostly about you
  • 10. Mean colleagues understand why
  • 11. The dos and don’ts mean colleagues
  • 12. Passive aggressive colleagues
  • 13. Do’s and don’ts for passive aggressive colleague
  • 14. Get help sooner than later
  • 15. How to work with someone who thinks everything is urgent
  • 16. How to work with someone who’s already stressed out
  • Assessment and Certificate